The Helper Bees platform-based approach simplifies service delivery for non-medical drivers of health through advanced technology and a vast Provider Network.
Our complete solution offers health plans a way to manage a full range of services into the home, enabling you to spend more time focusing on population-based outcomes, and most importantly, your members.
Unleash the power of homeAlign® , our cutting-edge platform that automates every critical aspect of building and maintaining a network of providers, with an added emphasis on regulatory compliance. From seamless credentialing to efficient referral management, precise fulfillment tracking, and automatic auditing, homeAlign simplifies complex tasks, ensuring compliance while you focus on what truly matters – member satisfaction.
For members who are not comfortable or able to self-manage their services using our online portal, we provide personalized support through a team of experts. Over the phone, the Care Advisor guides the member through their options, evaluating and ordering services on behalf of the member.