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Two Years After Acquiring healthAlign, The Helper Bees Is Now One Big, Happy (and Fully Integrated) Hive

July 3, 2023 in News

In May 2021, we announced the biggest news in the history of our company thus far: The Helper Bees acquired healthAlign, the pioneers of Medicare Advantage supplemental benefits.

At the time of the acquisition, The Helper Bees was already a leader of in-home services for long-term care insurance (LTCI). By joining forces with healthAlign, which managed one-third of all in-home supplemental benefits offered, our vision was to become THE go-to solution for aging in place, regardless of whether the care stemmed from LTCI or Medicare Advantage.

After two years of working on this vision, we’re proud to say: we’ve done it. 

The healthAlign brand is now fully integrated into The Helper Bees brand, and we seamlessly function as one company focused on helping insurers deploy the best aging-in-place care.

As The Helper Bees absorbed the healthAlign brand, it was of utmost importance to us that our customers didn’t experience any growing pains. That’s why we made the decision to retain our homeAlign™ platform as our core product. The homeAlign platform continues to serve as the foundation for all of our services, including credentialing, fulfillment and reimbursement.

We’re grateful to our team, who somehow managed to merge together during a pandemic, and we’re grateful to our insurance customers and service providers for entrusting us with their business.

Because of your trust in us, The Helper Bees now partners with:

— 3 of the top 6 Medicare Advantage insurers

— 12 of the top 20 LTCI insurers

— More than 20,000 service providers who are our “helper bees”

Together, we are revolutionizing in-home care for older adults, helping people to age in place and live independently.

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