The wide world of phone apps is here and waiting for you! However, with so many options right at your fingertips, it can be pretty tricky to find the right one for you. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite apps that will be a welcome surprise for your life. With everything from mobile blood pressure monitoring to an app that reminds you where you parked your car (hint: you may already have this one), there’s no shortage of tools that will help you day in and day out.
This app has many hidden gems that you may not know about! While the map itself is second to none, the feature that will really give you some peace of mind is the ‘Parking Location’ option.
It’s pretty simple, follow these steps when you park
When you’re ready to find your car upon leaving
Keeping track of your health is critical, but it can often be challenging to keep the right information accessible when you need it. iBP, an app that allows you to easily monitor your blood pressure, keeps this information easy to input and therefore easy to provide to a health care worker. Not only is it easy to use, but the app can also be shared between multiple people and is therefore ideal for married couples. As a bonus, the data is reported in simple to understand color-coded graphs, which takes the guesswork out of blood pressure monitoring.
AARP is an excellent resource across the board, but did you know they have a mobile app for easy use? Members have quick access to their digital cards and will benefit from relevant news and special offers only available to seniors. The app also has listings for local events to prevent isolation and allows seniors to engage with their community. Joining and renewing is simple. Download today and experience all AARP benefits on the go!
Map My Run (free for iOS and Android)
Map My Run isn’t just for marathoners (though you can use it for that too!) This app tracks you when you want to be tracked. Take a stroll through your favorite park, trail, or even the mail. You’ll see first hand how fast and far you go. You can show off your accomplishments to loved ones and it will instill a deep sense of pride in getting out there! Set personal goals and achieve them easily with this great tool.
Magnifying Glass & Flashlight (free for iOS and Android)
It’s never fun not being able to see, especially for a fun night out at a restaurant! Use this phone to see that tiny writing without having to ask someone to read the menu aloud to you. Slowly move the camera (found in the app) over whatever you’re reading, and the print becomes bigger before your eyes. While it may not be the best for long reads, like a novel, whip the app out for everything from brochures to street signs.
No app is a cure-all for life’s daily annoyances, but some of those can be quickly eased by browsing through the tools listed above. You’re likely to see everyday tasks become more manageable and often more enjoyable.